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Cargo Tracking and Monitoring

  Aiming at solving the chaotic and non-standard nature of the existing transportation management system on African market, Welkin has developed an African market oriented On-road Cargo Tracking and Monitoring Solution, which consists of Integrated E-seal, Fixed Reader Terminal, Industrial PC system at the checkpoints, On-road monitoring system, Customs Supervision System. The solution makes the on-road cargo monitoring possible by adopting the intelligent e-seals which, combined with the background application system, can provide a real-time, steady and reliable cargo security monitoring service.
Adopting the micro-computing technology, RFID technology, GPS technology and information encryption technology decides the high-tech nature of this solution, which makes it suitable for tracking containers or container vans, capable of real-time transportation monitoring on a large-scale. It also has many features, which includes locating the monitored object in time, recording the routes, obtaining the geolocation information and geo-fencing alarm (i.e. deliberately damaging, unusual unlocking, deviating from the pre-set course).
Welkin provides reusable and single-use E-seals, and all kinds of on-road cargo tracking and monitoring solutions which are able to satisfy different request from different industries, i.e. Customs Clearance, Logistics Industry and Large Corporate Groups.